Ashtree Primary Academy

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What is a multi academy trust (MAT) and what are the benefits? 

All academies are run by trusts. These can be multi academy trusts (MATs) – which run several academies – or single academy trusts that run just one. All trusts are charities and so aren’t run for financial profit. 

MATs are networks of schools which work to support each other and raise standards. For example, a school that is not performing well could benefit from being in a trust with a better performing school, allowing them to share resources and knowledge. 

By working in partnership with each other, the schools within a trust can share staff, curriculum expertise and good teaching practices. This helps schools provide the best possible education for pupils. 

Joining a multi academy trust is a positive choice for schools. They help develop strong school leaders and great teachers, allowing schools to focus on the teaching and finding a curriculum that is based on what really works. 

Do academies follow the national curriculum?  

No, they don’t have to but most do. Academies are legally bound to provide a ‘wide and balanced curriculum’. 

Will the uniform change?

The school uniform will change for September 2025 to be in line with all other Future Academies Primaries, the uniform will comprise of: 

Main Uniform:

1. A navy-blue jumper or cardigan with a Future Academies' logo. 

2. A blue & white striped tie 

3. White shirt (no branding)

4. Grey trousers or grey skirt (no branding)

Pupils may wear a blue and white gingham dress in the summer term. 

PE Kit  

1. Plain white polo top (no branding)

2. Navy blue shorts (no branding)

The Trust will send further guidance on where parents can purchase the jumper and tie from later in the spring term, all other items can be sources from supermarkets or any school uniform retailer. Parents do not need to purchase new uniform items for January 2025.  

Will the admissions policy have to change?  

No, however, academies are their own admissions authority, and responsibility lies with the SATs/ MAT.  Academies have to comply with the School Admissions and Appeals Codes.