Ashtree Primary Academy

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School Uniform

We encourage children to take pride in belonging to our school community and our school uniform is an important part of this.

School uniform consists of:

  • A blue jumper or cardigan, purchased from our uniform supplier here
  • White shirt/polo shirt
  • A school tie for KS1 and KS2 pupils purchased from our uniform supplier here.
  • Grey or black tailored trousers/shorts/skirts
  • Blue & white check or striped dress for summer
  • Black shoes with white or black socks

PE kit consists of:

  • A white T-shirt
  • Black or white trainers with white or black socks
  • A plain navy sweatshirt
  • Black or navy plain joggers or shorts

We would also ask that all clothing worn to school is marked with your child’s name, so that any items which are lost can easily be returned to their rightful owners as quickly as possible! Pupils should have a change of indoor shoes at all times.

Children with shoulder length or longer hair should come to school with their hair up in a ponytail, plait or bunches. This would help to reduce the spread of head lice around the school, and would meet the Health and Safety requirements of lessons such as PE, Technology etc.

Children should not wear any jewellery to school, such as rings, necklaces, bracelets and badges/brooches. If jewellery is required for religious observance or medical need, please discuss this with the Headteacher. Studs may be worn in the ears, but no rings or sleepers as these can be a source of severe injury to children in PE and Games activities and in the playground.

When is school uniform worn?

We ask that children wear the correct uniform when they are at school, traveling to and from school, and on school trips (unless we advise otherwise). On P.E. days, pupils should come to school dressed in their P.E. kit, and there’s no need to bring their school uniform with them.

If a child cannot wear certain items for any reason, such as medical issues, please let the office know so we can discuss alternative arrangements. We're here to help and make sure every child is supported.

Where can I purchase school uniform?

Our Academy jumper, cardigan and tie must be purchased from: Smarty School Wear

To help keep our uniforms affordable, we only require you to buy a few specific items from certain suppliers. Everything else can be purchased from any retailer, whether online, in clothing stores, or at larger supermarkets.

We have a small stock of second hand uniform that can be available by contacting the school office.