Ashtree Primary Academy

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School Food

Lunchtime is an essential part of the school day at Ashtree Primary. We view it as a time for children not only to enjoy their food but also to engage in conversation and build friendships.

We take great pride in offering high-quality, nutritious meals. While children are welcome to bring packed lunches if they prefer, most choose to enjoy the meals we provide. Our menu is thoughtfully created with input from our school council to ensure it’s both delicious and healthy for our pupils.

Our catering team is well-prepared to accommodate any allergies or dietary requirements, ensuring that every child has a safe and enjoyable lunch. We also understand that young children can be hesitant to try new foods, so we offer a variety of choices to cater to different tastes.

Lunchtime is about more than just eating; it’s a valuable opportunity for students to spend time together as a class. We encourage children to remain seated with their friends for the entire dining period, allowing time for conversation, sharing stories, and enjoying each other’s company. Of course, there’s always plenty of time afterward for running around and playing!

More information including the current menu can be found here: