Ashtree Primary Academy

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Ashtree is an inclusive school. We believe that learning must be relevant and appropriate to the child’s needs at the time.

Access to Education

The school adheres to the County’s Admission Policy and does not discriminate against any pupil applying for admission. The INCo for the school is Vacant. Please speak to Mrs. Janes the Headteacher with regards to any inclusion needs.

The Equality Act 2010; the Children and Families Act 2014 and the associated SEN & Disability Code of Practice 2014: 0-25 years, makes it unlawful for schools and their LEA to discriminate against disabled pupils, or pupils with medical needs, for a reason relating to their disability.

Ashtree Primary School & Nursery is an inclusive school and may offer a range of provision to support children with SEND, over and above Quality First Teaching for all.

Please see the SEND Information report/Local Offer for further details:

SEND Information Report

Disability Equality Scheme Action Plan 

Accessibility Policy 

SEND Policy 

Hertfordshire SEND Local Offer

The Equality Act 2010; the Children and Families Act 2014 and the associated SEN & Disability Code of Practice 2014: 0-25 years, requires schools to promote equality of opportunity for disabled pupils.

The governors have drawn up an Access/Accessibility Plan for Ashtree School to comply with this legislation This plan identifies potential solutions for assisting access within the school.

The school have used the Schools Access Initiative to fund projects such as the installation of stair lifts, ramps and a toilet with disabled access. Pupils whose disability or medical need impacts on their learning may require an SEN Support Plan.

The Governors have drawn up a SEND Information Report/Local Offer and a SEND policy which is fully implemented, monitored and reviewed at least annually. A copy of this policy is available from the School Office. The Governors have drawn Equal Opportunities and Inclusion policies, which ensure that no pupil is treated less favourably than another. A copy of these policies are available from the School Office.


SPACE for Neurodiversity